our family adventures, projects I find on pinterst and try myself, home updates & of course, our little guy

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It's fall time at the Toole's

While the weather has been cooling off and according to the calendar it's been fall for almost 2 weeks, it did not become fall in our house until last week...we got our PUMPKINS!!  While I would have loved to take James to the pumpkin patch and picked the "perfect" pumpkin for him it just didn't make much sense to me this year.  After all...he doesn't even know what a pumpkin is!  So Matthew & I went to Kroger and
"picked" some pumpkins...ok I picked out our pumpkins while Matthew looked in disbelief at me as I exchanged them for better ones about 4 times...oh I'm so indecisive sometimes!!  So here are our pumpkins!

We also went to our town's fall festival last weekend--Riley Days!  It was below 35 degrees so James had to get all bundled up!!  He was quite the trooper!  He slept most the time!  When he wanted to be held he was happiest in his signature position (he likes to fly like a super hero!)  I would have to say he was a hit with almost everyone we walked by! 
 A few weeks ago Daddy David let me have my Mama's fall decorations.  Here's some fall decor around our house!

 Walking through the parking lot tonight at work I crunched some leaves...makes me think of my Mama and her love for crunching leaves!  My Mama's facebook status on October 22, 2010...

"(Diana Raney) Loves walking through the leaves and making that crunching sound. Also, wonders why David doesn't like her walking around on the leaves when he is raking and blowing them up. I'm just mulching them!"

Oh, how I miss my Mama EVERY day! 

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