our family adventures, projects I find on pinterst and try myself, home updates & of course, our little guy

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Forget your daily pill?? I've got a solution!

A birth control implant!  I was searching birth control options and found Nexplanon!  I'm super excited about this!  The implant is a small, plastic rod similar to the size of a toothpick, but a little shorter.  The amazing thing is the implant is good for 3 years...and no daily pill!!  YAY!!!  This busy mama doesn't have time or brain power to remember a daily pill...even with two alarms telling me to take it!

So a few days ago I went to my OBGYN and had this little thing placed!  The process is some iodine, a local anesthetic, and then insertion of the implant.  The anesthetic had a little stink to it, but nothing more than any other shot.  After that I didn't feel a thing.

Anesthetic and implant in insertion device

Immediately after I started bruising...oh the blessings of fair skin!

That night the bruising was worse and here's a shot of the site with no gauze!

A day post op and I'm having some discomfort, but nothing a mama who's been to 9 cm without an epidural can't handle!!

Now we wait to see if there are any nasty side effects....

Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's a GIRL!!

It's a GIRL!!!   My SISTER will be making her debut in June 2013!!!

Daddy David and Crissy are the proud parents of this amazing blessing!!  She is a healthy little girl!  Mama and baby girl are doing great!!

I can not begin to express my joy and excitement for Daddy David and this little princess!  Daddy David is truly an amazing, selfless and inspirational person!  He married my Mama when I was still in diapers.  He helped raise Joshua and I as if we were his own.  And then when he married Crissy last year he accepted Mara and Makayla as his own.  Here is this man who has accepted 4 children that were not his biological children and now God has blessed him with his own bundle of joy!!  A little girl, this amazing little girl!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy Half Birthday James!

I wanted James' half birthday to be special (on a budget!)  I am lucky that this day fell on my day off!  He woke up extremely happy!  We stareted the day at the doctor for his 6 month check up and shots! 

     ● Height = 27.25 Inches (82 percentile) HE IS HUGE!!  We are in 9 month clothes!
     ● Weight = 18.2 pounds (66 percentile) 

Of course James cried after he got 4 shots!!  As soon as I picked him up he was smiling at the nurses!  He is truly one-of-a-kind!!  I don't know any child that smiles after 4 shots!

Next we went to the library and rented Oscar's Half Birthday!  It's the only book the library had about a half birthday.  It was okay.  Maybe I should write my own!  Oh no...not another project!!

After the library we headed to Kroger to pick up an item for dinner that night and I got James a balloon.  He loves to watch balloons and play with them.  As I was loading him in the car the balloon escaped and flew off into the sky.  James didn't even notice, but I was bawling in the parking lot. 
His half birthday balloon
 We spent the rest of the day playing, napping, and spending time together!

James from 1 month - 6 months

Happy 6 month old!

At the doctor!

His infection smile and laugh remind me of my Mama

James sitting up!

How the Toole’s save $$$

First and foremost we have the most generous family!  We are so grateful for their generosity and kindness.  We appreciate all they have done for us!

● I coupon; this does not mean I am an extreme couponer.  I use the binder technique.  I receive coupons from several different, wonderful ladies and cut out coupons I think my family will use and match them to sales at our local stores.  Therefore I am not spending any money out of pocket for these great deals!  We mostly (95%) shop at Meijer for or groceries, cat products and paper products.  I like Meijer because I can do most of my shopping in 1 place and they double my coupons or add to them to make them $1.00 off.  I also will buy generic if I like the product and it’s cheaper than name brand.

● I am a blog follower!  If you decide to become a blog follower for deals you need to make sure you are VERY disciplined!  Bloggers post deals they find…this can get you in a lot of trouble if you are an impulse buyer or think just because it’s on sale you have to have it.  I mostly take advantage of the FREE items!  Here are some great blogs I follow for this:  Queenoffree.net and freebieshark.com.  Queen of free is a Southsider of Indianapolis so she gives a lot of great local deals!  You can also see her on WTHR on Sunday mornings @ 7:45am, follow her blog or follow her on facebook!

● We price shop on bigger items.  This is mostly Matthew; he is really good at comparing products and finding the best deal.

● We also have a “rule”; it’s more like a respect for the other person, that we discuss all BIG purchases.  This is anything over $100.  We have found that we discuss even purchases less then $100 so all parties are happy with the purchase.  This is a great way to a happy marriage!!

● I make my own laundry detergent (recipe here) and all purpose cleaner (1 part vinegar to 5 parts water).  These products not only save us money, but they are safe for James.  This gives me the most joy, being able to have a clean home without a lot of dangerous chemicals.  Now I still use a store bought product for my toilets and floors If you know of a safe product to make that works, please let me know.  I have linoleum and wood floors.

● I eat breakfast at home (or on the way to work!) and I take my lunch everyday to work along with my morning coffee!!  This will prevent me from making that impulse stop for food or coffee!  It especially nice in the winter to take your lunch so you don't have to brave the cold and/or snow!

● We rarely eat out unless we have a gift card! 

Mostly we just make smart choices!  We have a family and are no longer single.  Every decision we make regarding money affects our family.  "Sorry we can't go out tonight, we need to buy groceries!"

I am always looking for more money saving ideas that will fit for our family. 

How do you save your family money?

This is how James helps!